Notre Dame Subsidized Loan

The Notre Dame Subsidized Loan is a need-based loan made by the University. This loan program requires that the student borrower repay with interest the amount borrowed once the student is no longer enrolled at Notre Dame as an undergraduate.  Additional terms and conditions are referenced in the Promissory Note but also include the following:

  • Zero interest while the student is enrolled at the University of Notre Dame on at least half-time basis as an undergraduate student and during the six-month grace period following enrollment; please note interest does accrue and repayment is required if you continue your education after you leave Notre Dame as an undergraduate.
  • No origination fee or insurance fee
  • 5% fixed rate interest during the repayment
  • Repayment of principal and interest begins six months after the student ceases to be enrolled at the University of Notre Dame on at least half-time basis as an undergraduate student, generally extending over a 10-year period
  • $4,000 is normal annual limit

Notre Dame Subsidized Loan borrowers will receive an email to their Notre Dame email account to complete the annual loan process. The loan process will require completion of Self-Certification and Disclosure forms, as well as a Promissory Note, all of which will be handled electronically. This process must be completed each year you borrow from the Notre Dame Subsidized Loan program. Important rate, fee, and other cost information about Notre Dame Subsidized Loans is located on the Notre Dame Subsidized Loan Solicitation Disclosure