Consent for Electronic Communication (E-Consent)

What is e-Consent

The E-Sign Act requires that the University of Notre Dame receive a student’s voluntary consent to receive electronic communications regarding certain notices and disclosures.

Why is Consent Needed?

Before the University can electronically send certain notices and disclosures to students, we must receive the consent of the students to send those notices electronically. Students who do not agree to receive electronic communications and students who simply do not complete the consent request form will continue to receive the required notices. However, for those students, the notices will come via paper mail, and this paper processing will likely delay the financial aid process for those students.

How to Grant Consent

Granting consent is easy! Once you have applied for admission to the University of Notre Dame and received your student ID number, go to our online consent form. When you sign into this form, you will authenticate your identity by providing your University ID number (the 9 number) and your date of birth.