Living Off Campus

If you are considering living off-campus, we encourage you to visit The Off-Campus Connector for news, events, and important information. 

Impact on Financial Aid Eligibility

Living off-campus does not affect a student's financial aid eligibility. A standard housing and food amount is used to determine undergraduate students' cost of attendance whether they live on- or off-campus. The amount for the 2024-2025 school year is approximately $17,900. 

Using Financial Aid for Off-Campus Expenses

The availability of financial aid for off-campus expenses will depend upon the charges on your student account and the total amount of your financial aid available per semester.

The availability of financial aid for off-campus expenses will depend upon the charges on your student account and the total amount of your financial aid available per semester. Since students are not charged for housing and food when living off campus, please see the scenarios below. 


Tuition and Fees Per Semester

Financial Aid Eligibility Per Semester

Refund Amount Per Semester

Amount Owed to University Per Semester











Senior Incentive Credit

A student selected for the Senior Incentive Credit from Residential Life receives a $2,000 credit. This is considered a resource that must be included in the Financial Aid Offer. This credit will first replace work in the aid offer. University Scholarship also could be reduced as a result of receiving this credit.